Prada’s fairy print
The Prada Fairy Bag, has quickly become a hot item. Featuring an artistic drawing of fairies in black, plum, and earth tones, the bag has been spotted on the arms of several celebrities including Sienna Miller, Tilda Swiden, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Prada’s fairy-print replica handbags or, as you may know it, the must-have item for spring, a limited-edition little number only available in Prada stores. For the benefit of you deep-pocketed readers, we called our local Prada on 57th Street, where we were informed that the $2,300 replica handbags is obviously out of stock. They do, however, have nice, long wait lists for both the round and square versions of the replica handbags, it’d be a couple of months before we’d have anything pretty in our hands. the store gets shipments every two weeks, but there are only a mere five replica handbags per shipment. Why must they taunt us so? Because quality takes time. And the Italians love to torture us simply because they can.
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